This directory contains 5 installers and their md5 checksums. The installers are as follows: kepler-linux-1.0.0.jar: Description: Kepler-1.0.0 for Linux. R is not installed. Installation: make sure Java 1.5 is installed on your linux machine, then, in a terminal windows, execute the following command: bash$: java -jar kepler-linux-1.0.0.jar The installer will guide you through the rest of the installation. kepler-mac-1.0.0.jar: Description: Kepler-1.0.0 for Mac OSX. R is not installed. Installation: Download the file, then double click on the jar file to start the installation. kepler-mac-R-1.0.0.jar: Description: Kepler-1.0.0 for Mac OSX with the R analytical system. Installation: Download the file, then double click on the jar file to start the installation. kepler-win-1.0.0.exe: Description: Kepler-1.0.0 for Windows. R is not installed. Installation: Download the file, then double click on the exe file to start the installation. kepler-win-R-1.0.0.exe: Description: Kepler-1.0.0 for Windows with the R analytical system. Installation: Download the file, then double click on the exe file to start the installation.